Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Clinton Dem Action Alert 17JUL08: Write Senator Clinton!

Dear Clinton Dem,

Americans are finally hearing our message around the country - and they know that we are serious in our stance: Hillary Clinton is the best possible candidate to defeat John McCain in the fall. If the party ignores that fact it will be at their own peril.

The DNC, congressional democrats and delegates are now beginning to fathom the depth of the electorate's skepticism about the electability of their presumptive nominee. There are a vast number of voters that question whether he possesses the judgment, experience, resolve or readiness to take on the toughest job in the world. Our country is experiencing trying times not endured in decades and on-the-job-training is a luxury we can't afford. Fortunately, we don't have to -- there is still time for the Democrats to do the right thing and allow Senator Clinton a fair and meaningful roll call vote at the convention.

The PUMA movement would never have taken off as it did if we were just a few "bitter voters". Many Democrats are deeply disturbed by the way this primary played out -- especially the lack of leadership shown by the DNC and the ill-advised alignment against our most qualified candidate, Hillary Clinton, by some party "elites".

In conjunction with other PUMA sites, we request that you call, write, or fax to Hillary's D.C. office and make a simple request:

"We want our delegates to have the opportunity to vote for Hillary as our "nominee" at the convention. Our votes aren't for negotiation and our pledged delegates aren't for negotiation. Unity doesn't come from a declaration -- it comes from action. The action that will legitimize this process is the a fair, meaningful roll call vote at the convention.

Please let Senator Clinton know that we still support her and we encourage (and expect her) to hold her ground to make sure it happens! Thank you!"

While Obama has been flopping, super delegates have been flipping. If there were no chance of Hillary winning the nomination with a roll call vote, there wouldn't be such a strong effort to render that vote merely "symbolic".

We are making a difference. Intelligent people are beginning to consider the possibility that we really are the voice of reason and the conscience of the Democratic Party. Please...contact Senator Clinton today and ask her to insist on a fair and meaningful roll call vote at the convention!

Washington, D.C.
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
United States Senate
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4451
General Fax: (202) 228-0282

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