Monday, July 28, 2008

Video List


Hillary Clinton - rising above sexism & misogyny

Hillary Clinton: Mad As Hell/Bitch:

Obama visited 57 states, says McCain losing his bearings

Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States

Double Talker and Liar Barack Obama Flip Flops On Iran

Obama Thinks We Have 57 States | Bonus Video -Tornado

Barack Obama - Dumber than Dumb - Gaffe Mania

Obama gaffe - cost

Obama gaffe on "breathalizer"

Yes Or No? Obama stumbles

Obama's Memorial Day Gaffe, Caught Lying About His Uncle

Obama 2+2=5

Obama Claims No One Clapped During Detroit, MI Speech

Slew of Gaffes Obama on Fox News

Obama's flip-flop on running and the iraq warL

Obama VS. Robert Gibbs on the surge

Obama on Iran - Threat, or not?

The Game of Expedience:

Obama Just words - just speeches - just think

Obama on Lobbiest bill

Obama on the Race Card

Obama on his dad and the flag?:

Barack Obama Sees Dead People

Obama's Memorial Day Gaffe

Obama in Sunrise

Barack Obama rally in Sioux Falls

Obama on Rezko

Obama Gets Afghanistan Language Wrong

A video portrait of Obama

SHOCKING Obama words: what he really thinks of white folks

Clinton Supporter Thrown Out of Rules Committee Meeting

Hillary Clinton: Mad As Hell/Bitch

DNC: Fractured Fairy Tales

DNC Rules & Bylaws Protest 1

Clinton Supporter Ejected From DNC Meeting Shows Bruises

Obama give Hillary the "finger"?

Obama Whines Then Refuses To Debate Anymore! PA

Hillary Kicked Obama's Ass In PA Debate

If Obama is the Nominee This is What We Will See

Michelle Obama's

Shocking Comments from Barack Obama's wife!!

Barack Obama Makes Shocking confession!!


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